Automatic Banner! :DDD

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

He's Back!!

Aww hace dos dias, en la pagina de MCR Gee puso una entrada, la primera en mucho tiempo, ia ke se habia distanciado un pokito x el trabajo del album.
Aww ha sido la entrada mas liinda ke ha las dejo! ^^

I'm Back!
posted by Gerard on Aug 14, 2009 5:52pm

What to say?Things have been crazy- but most importantly I'm a fucking DAD!
Back in Los Angeles and fighting off the jet-lag from Tokyo, though it seems I am slipping out of my coma.
I apologize for the radio silence, but I generally shut-down when we are working on a new album, and adjusting to the new addition in my life has kept me very busy.
But I think it's almost time to put this record to bed, though it doesn't sleep- it thrashes.I want to thank my beautiful wife for creating with me the most special little person I have ever met.Here is a depiction by my favorite artist, Mr. Gabriel Ba...

waa me encanta como firma! ...G ^^
lo extrañe en el sitio! vv pro ia regresoo! :D
no les parece mega liindo? lo ke dice de Bandit?
aww me encanta!! es tan lindoo! lo siguen en tweeter *twee tweet* [xD u know Thanu] se daran cuenta de lo mucho ke ama su familia...y kn razon, es una hermosa familia ^^
Espero les haya gustadoo!

2 comentarios:

  1. eztheeeeeeeeeee....
    cecy! mathamee!! T_____T
    nO ze ke dizee!! me lO treduziz?? :3
    ez en zeriO! zOii malizima para el ingleez! e__e
    wenO, avezez ^^'
    perO ezthee.... zOii wevOna! x'D
    nO lO kierO traduzir! ¬¬
    perO, x lO ke haz ezcritO ez zuper lindO! ^^
    te kerO muheer! xD

    I know gorda, I know v,v
    GOD! Shane<33
    no lo siigo en Twitter! ><
    soii mala! >< xDDDDDDDD
    ke liindo G! :3
    yo puedo firmar azii tambn vaiia! :DDD
    tamOw gorda! ^^

    wl/. G
